Housing for All

Current Campaign

Affordable Redwood City

At our most recent chapter convention (March 2024), PDSA members voted to endorse and provide material support to Faith in Action Bay Area’s Affordable Redwood City housing campaign to win rent control and tenant protections through the “Fair and Affordable Housing Ordinance.”

Because this is a citizens’ ballot measure campaign, a simple majority (50%) of voters can pass the measure into law in the November 2024 election, keeping Redwood City affordable, diverse, and vibrant - with no more unjustified rent hikes and unfair evictions!

As confirmed with FiABA, PDSA will support the campaign by

  1. joining their mobilizations to gather signatures (now through May 2024),
  2. canvassing Redwood City voters (June to November 2024),
  3. phone banking voters (June to November 2024), and
  4. staffing special campaign events as needed.